Wine Down Events
Come enjoy our wine-tasting social events, hosted at luxury apartment clubhouses throughout the Denver area

Wine Down events are FREE, after-work socials, held weekly at luxury apartment clubhouses throughout the Denver area. Residents and guests are invited to come relax and wind down at the end of the day, in a familiar setting that’s right at home.
Residents are invited to sample a selection of quality Colorado & California wines, taste local foods and mingle with friends. Plus, they can browse and buy goods from local upscale retailers & service providers we bring in for the occasion.
Wine Downs are perfect events for prospective new residents to check out their future home too – a great way to get to know current residents and feel the “vibe” of the place!
- Colorado & California wine selections
- Complimentary finger food
- Upscale mini pop-up shops
- Prizes and Giveaways
Want to attend? Scroll down to see our schedule to find an upcoming Wine Down and RSVP (it’s FREE). You’re also free to sign up to receive reminders about new Wine Downs. Guests must be 21 or over to attend.
Apartment Managers: Want us to host a Wine Down Event at your apartment clubhouse in the Denver area? It’s a great way to provide fun for your residents, and a natural way to bring in new prospects too – without putting a dent in your marketing budget! Send us a request.
Upcoming Wine Downs
Select an event below to get details and RSVP